Sign up

Unlock the benefits of being a WTAY member by signing up today!

Please apply for the Yukon Wild Co-operative Marketing Program separately.

Mailing Address
If no WT license, you must check one of the following:
Tourism Services Offered:

(check all that apply by pressing Control/Command key)

Operating Regions:

(check all that apply by pressing Control/Command key)

Select Membership Type
Companies and individuals directly involved in the wilderness tourism industry. Voting member. Full membership benefits.
Fee: $150
Individuals, organizations or companies not directly involved in the industry as operators but support the objectives of the WTAY. Non-voting member. All other membership benefits, excluding participation in Yukon Wild Marketing program.
Fee $150
Member-based non-profit organizations. Non-voting member. Membership fee of $150 may be waived in exchange for project partnerships, information, or other benefits.
Waiver agreement

As a member of WTAY, I support the principles of responsible wilderness tourism as outlined in the Code of Conduct for Operating Wilderness Tours (adopted by WTAY membership in 2002 and updated in 2014). I have read the Code of Conduct, I understand the rationale behind it, and I agree that all representatives of my company will abide by the Code’s principles, and will follow, where appropriate for my business, the suggested guidelines*

Preferred payment method

The membership year runs from June 1 - May 31 of each year. New members may join any time, but fees will not be pro-rated. After submitting this form you will receive an invoice for your payment. If sending cash or a cheque please make payable to Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon and send to:

Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon
#4 – 1114 Front St.
Whitehorse, Yukon Canada Y1A 1A3
Tel: (867) 668-3369 Fax: (867) 668-3370
Thank you for signing up, WTAY will be issuing your invoice    
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