WTAY Membership

The Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon is a membership based organization that is constantly striving to better serve our members.

Membership in the Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon (WTAY) is open to any individual or organization interested or involved in wilderness tourism in the Yukon.

Our members are guides, outfitters, fishing lodge operators, equipment sales and rental companies, and more.

Our Members

Interested in joining WTAY?

If you are a commercial guide, or if you provide wilderness adventure services or products in the Yukon, membership in the Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon is a smart bargain.

By joining the WTAY, you are making a valuable investment in your business and wilderness protection. We are at the forefront of wilderness tourism issues, regulations, and marketing initiatives in Canada.

Read the benefitsBecome a member

Code of Conduct

Becoming a member of WTAY is contingent on your compliance with our WTAY Code of Conduct. By adhering to these principles, you demonstrate to the world that your company maintains the highest standard of outdoor and business ethics.

WTAY encourages our members to ensure that our Code of Conduct is reviewed and put into practice by each of their employees.  We also urge our members to use the Code of Conduct to educate clients and Yukon visitors about low impact wilderness recreation.

Review the WTAY’s Code of Conduct

Yukon Wild

Yukon Wild is a cooperative marketing partnership program for Yukon wilderness tourism operators who have a Wilderness Tourism Operator License.

Wilderness Tourism Licence

The Yukon Wilderness Tourism Licensing Act came into effect in 1999 to regulate the wilderness tourism industry. Anyone or any businesses that takes clients into the Yukon wilderness and is paid for their services must have a Yukon Wilderness Tourism License.

This license allows an operator to guide commercial wilderness trips on Yukon lands and waters outside national parks and is valid from May 1 through April 30 every year.

Learn More

Yukon Wild membership information

Yukon Wild is a marketing program under WTAY whose main objective is to drive conversions to operators through both paid and unpaid media, consumer and trade shows, sponsorship and partnerships, and other opportunities that align with the program.

Members of Yukon Wild are required to be licensed under the Wilderness Tourism Licensing Act of the Yukon. The membership supports eco-tourism best practices as outlined in WTAY’s Code of Conduct for Operating Wilderness Tours.

Read the benefits & Sign up